Memory limit exceeded Cannot perform hash aggregation. Partitioned input data too many times. This could mean there is too much skew in the data or the memory limit is set too low.
create TABLE test.cp_ag_info ASSELECT a1.id cid, hr_num, position_num, available_po_num, rs_num, auto_filter_num, read_num, see_num, manual_refuse_num, it_num, auto_refuse_num, forward_num, get_rs_po_num, get_read_rs_po_num, get_see_rs_po_num, get_it_rs_po_numFROM mysql.cp a1LEFT JOIN (SELECT cid, COUNT(DISTINCT uid) hr_numFROM (SELECT id uid, testid cidFROM mysql.dante_user......UNIONSELECT a1.user_id uid, a2.dante_cp_id cidFROM mds.t_cp_user a1LEFT JOIN mds.t_cp a2ON a1.cp_id=a2.idWHERE a1.is_del='false' AND a2.is_del='false') fGROUP BY cid) a6ON CAST(a1.id AS STRING)= a6.cidLEFT JOIN (SELECT testid cid, COUNT(1) position_num, COUNT(CASE WHEN isenable!=0 AND isexpired!=1 ......COUNT(CASE WHEN a1.DELIVER_AUTO_FILTER=1 THEN a1.orderid END) auto_filter_num,COUNT(CASE WHEN a1.READ_rs=1 THEN a1.orderid END) read_num,COUNT(CASE WHEN a1.READ_CONTACT=1 THEN a1.orderid END) see_num,COUNT(CASE WHEN a1.MANUAL_REFUSE=1 THEN a1.orderid END) manual_refuse_num,COUNT(CASE WHEN a1.ONLINE_it=1 OR a1.OFFLINE_it=1 THEN a1.orderid END) it_num,COUNT(CASE WHEN a1.AUTO_REFUSE=1 THEN orderid END) auto_refuse_num,COUNT(CASE WHEN a1.AUTO_FORWARD=1 OR a1.MANUAL_FORWARD=1 THEN orderid END) forward_numFROM test.ur a1GROUP BY a1.testid) a8ON a1.id=a8.cidLEFT JOIN (SELECT a1.testid cid,......a1.READ_rs=1 THEN a1.positionid END) get_read_rs_po_numFROM test.ur a1GROUP BY testid) a10ON a1.id=a10.cidLEFT JOIN (SELECT a1.testid cid,COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN a1.READ_CONTACT=1 THEN a1.positionid END) get_see_rs_po_numFROM test.ur a1GROUP BY testid) a11ON a1.id=a11.cidLEFT JOIN (SELECT a1.testid cid,COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN a1.ONLINE_it=1 OR a1.OFFLINE_it=1 THEN a1.positionid END) ......ON a1.id=a12.cid
今天在线上测试Llama后,因为感觉不太合适就关掉了,然后就开始出现各种的Memory Limit的错误,之前的正常运行的大Query今天集群失败,以前是没有错误的。定位后,修改一下大小就行了。
Memory limit exceeded The memory limit is set too low initialize the spilling operator. The minimum required memory to spill this operator is 528.00 MB.
2016-04-07 19:53:00